Foundry Expertise based on

1500+ Foundry
projects realized

Foundry realization

For new foundries, greenfield foundries, an expansion, modernization or for installation of a single equipment in your existing foundries, we can help you with Project Management or Turn-Key Contracting of your project.

We can take full responsibility for all project engineering and management activities.
Our focus is totally on enabling our clients to meet their objectives.


For the realization of your foundry projects we have teams
of highly qualified experts with proven track records
in management and engineering positions.

Their expertise covers all aspects of the cast metal industry,
from general foundry operations and processes through
purchasing, foundry design and engineering,
project management and casting quality improvement.


Conceptual and basic engineering are carried out
based on your production requirements and in
close cooperation with your staff to ensure that
your requirements are met.

After the engineering stage we manage and control
all activities for a successful implementation of the
project, including, but not limited to:

  • project engineering
  • procurement
  • suppliers management
  • FAT
  • expediting & shipment

During the realization, we take charge of:

  • site management
  • administration of documents
  • installation & commissioning
  • hand over & SOP

Turn-Key Contracting

We can take overall responsibility for a Turn-Key Realization
of your project, including utilities, civil works and building
requirements whilst safeguarding:

  • Product Quality & Output Performance
  • On Time Realization
  • Budgeted costs 

This will allow you to concentrate on your core activity:
producing castings.

We can draw upon substantial international experience, accumulated on a wide range of projects across the world, by employing and making use of local resources and working with local sub-contractors and suppliers.

the 1500+ foundry projects we realized worldwide teach us what works

projects' references are available on request